me as of now

How I Love Being a Girl

Alia Fatika


every girl is saying how much they love being a girl but being a girl is also having to call our friends whenever we walk alone through the streets at night for safety reasons.

every girl is saying how much they love being a girl but being a girl is also having to ignore the stares we get on the train because of the baggy track suit we’re wearing somehow still sculpts our body curvature.

every girl is saying how much they love being a girl but being a girl means having to tone down our anger because our arguments will get dismissed as we’re deemed too emotional.

every girl is saying how much they love being a girl but being a girl is also about facing countless limitations and glass ceilings just because we don’t have a penis.

every girl is saying how much they love being a girl....

and i understand.

to the friends i made in middle school

being a girl is fun because it means doing each other’s hair during free periods in school, swatching makeup, and falling asleep to a romcom during a sleepover.

to the friend i can talk about the meaning of life with

being a girl is fun because it means giggling about our crushes then suddenly topic-switching to what we’re going to do for the rest of our lives and why we’re born to this world.

to all the friends that are like sisters

being a girl is fun because we have dreams and ambitions and all of them vary from one another. we are a person with multiple layers of personalities inside us, we are complicated, intricate, and we’re unique.

to the friends i made from all the different corners of the world

how i love being a girl.

but i wish being a girl doesn’t come with all those restrictions.




Alia Fatika

First year undergraduate student at International Relations Universitas Indonesia | Fiction and poetry enthusiast | IG: alia_thinkdoodles